The world has changed in many ways when it comes to the perception of female lead /Run groups and shops within our community. Over the years that I have been active in the community, I have spoken on such things in the past. Allowing perspectives to be seen that otherwise have been ignored.

During this time I have seen a huge uprise in mistreatment and biased opinions on the uprise. I as well as many others have had discussions on what is happening. How we each deal with these issues while maintaining a certain level of poise and grace. As women, we are seen to be the mothers of the community and to give nurturing when needed. But many times when we are faced with voicing our opinions we are deemed vial or unworthy in our own community.Is it because we have been assigned these notions of what women should be? Is it because some view women as they should take a more submissive role? But perhaps its because as women we lead with our hearts and minds. Using our intuition and emotion makes us the divine feminine to guide us. When we see hurt within our community and speak about these things. Which leads to a divide within our communities. Where secret discussions happen among our circles questioning who they are and why they lead with such emotional conviction.
What is it that makes it where we can support our fellow brother priests in their missions of unity? Yet us women feel like a backset has been taken to us in our call to our communities. Many of us have had discussions with our fellow priests on this topic and many times met with tribulation. Using words of reassurance that this is the way things are rather than move towards change. It's not that we condemn our fellow brothers for their words. As the male perspective is different than the female perspective when it comes to such things. But it does lead to the feeling of being disregarded within our struggles within the community. Many times I have watched powerful women in our community say they use the men as puppets to get their points across. Because they have seen how female perspective is taken unlike when it comes from a man. As a community with the goal of unity and working towards a common ground, we must first identify issues laid bare. We should not have to use another based upon their assigned identity to push the issues we need to be heard.
I’ve watched others and myself say things that need to be handled and trying to come up with solutions that fell upon deaf ears. Our brothers on the other hand can say the same thing and people will join in waves. Many will think it is the approach in which issues may have been presented. When in reality its not the presentation but an undying bias that people have fallen into. As a community, we have silently agreed to stand for each other during times of uncertainty. Many of our brothers have come when we needed them the most. But at the other hand have fallen behind when it comes to discussions of topics like these. A need for transparency is needed for our community who wishes to expand. As many of us would like to think the community is accepting of all that just isnt true. Thus this has led to the topics that I am sharing here today. Its not to put blame or excuses but to show the hidden perspective that many feel and yet can’t express. As many of us in this community fear the backlash of what may come from the expression of such things. To a point where it has become something talked about and yet only a few do so publicly. When dealing with a community not all is the same as I stated above. But at the same time if representation is never presented than we fall into the same troupe and doctrine associated with many other world religions.This leads into the idea if their is a female lead there is some type of Wiccan ideology surly attached. When in reality not all of us follow the same path and nor do we shame those who do follow that path. When does the ideas of female energy get designated to one path. When all paths have an equal counterpart of both feminine and masculine present. As we all know we are created with these energies within us no matter the genitalia we are born with. Thus creating a combination that leads to something new and allows us to harness that energy at any given time.
My hope is we can progress towards a better understanding of energies and how they work. How the challenges we face as individuals and as a collective can be diverse and similar at the same time. In many instances, I have heard from our brothers that they must present a certaindemeanor. Thus never allowing them to embrace the nurturing side of the divine feminine. So there is obviously a need for more open discussion when it comes to struggles that are unique and ones that coincide on the different ends of the spectrum. So please join in on the discussion and expand your thoughts with us as we start a new journey of discovery and openness to allow a better community.
The Devine Witch
Debbie Lewis