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Our Work

Here at Devine Witch we believe in giving back to our local community and work to bring people together for a common goal. We want to do out part in building bonds and sustainability for our local and surrounding communities. These are some of the projects we have going on and it will continue to grow as we do as a community. So please join us in our adventures and help spread a nurturing environment for all.

Pagan Support Group

In 2019 we seen a need that was not being met within our community and wanted to help offer a safe haven to these individuals. As someone who's dealt with their own mental health i know how hard it can be . By creating such a forum for us to speak openly it has helped myself and countless others on their journey. When it comes to self care especially when dealing with mental illness we take our steps to help those in need. Sometimes it is as simple as being their and listening to someones story and showing them that someone cares. The worst thing that can happen to anyone is dealing with mental illness alone and having no one to turn to . So last year we created a spot for fellow pagans to come as a safe space , to either vend or get help with finding resources based on the situation. We work together as a team and have specialized individuals on hand if need be. But most of all the community who uses this group also helps each other. Because in the fight against depression , anxiety or any other mental illness that plaques the human mind. We must work together as a community , Because you never know what the value of support could mean for a individual. This Group is brought to you by The Devine Witch

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Demeter's Garden

This project is under construction until 2024

Our community garden got its humble beginnings in the spring of 2021. After a few years of doing our annual food drives and the year 2020. We realized a need for sustainable resources for us and our community. Many families and individuals do not have access to nutritious options. So over the the course of one harvest season we where able to provide resources to 10 local families/individuals. We plan on continuing this project with the hopes to expand it in the future.

Copyright ©2023 The Devine Witch. All Rights Reserved. Do not duplicate without permission of The Devine Witch.

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