When one starts their priesthood journey there will come a time and place where it will be overwhelming. The concept is time many will take for granted and yet for the priest time is one that is always upon our minds. Unlike the journey into discovering our path and where it takes us being guided by our own change. The change of our journey gets taken by the lifeforce of the universe and the wind in which directions it sways. This journey is not something controlled by the individual and it takes many forms. Today I want to speak on those forms of time and change and bring it to the minds of those who are upon or wondering what the journey is like. These are my own words and experiences of what I have found to be true and it may differ from priest to priest. But the main points will stand true for all in which is being conveyed to the readers.
Self Time
The time for one's self is the biggest our of these changes as you never walk in the same as you come out of it. There will be many times you will look back to the past to find clues to the present that will guide you upon your path. Many hours and days will be upon reflection of one's self and the meaning of the things before you. You will find yourself questioning yourself and the purpose of your journey. Led to asking who am I in all this and if it what I needed or what was needed of me. You will find coincidences inside of your own life and find yourself going thru traumatic times. Only for those to be the guide in which you use to guide those who are facing similar situations. You will find yourself overwhelmed by what is and what needs to be. Looking at the time as if there is not enough of it because you are being pulled in many directions while being present in only one. It is why its important to set your limitations of time to yourself. This means not to the devotion of family, friends or the community you serve. Which you will later find out is harder than it seems. As the nature of a priest is to help and when one is placed upon your path it feels as if it needs to be done in that moment. If you do not give yourself the time you need, well then you will end up breaking apart. I know this all to well as i am one of these people. I want to show love to any who need it but often forget my own needs in the process. Upon this journey find something that is only for you and you alone and stick with it. It may seem like obscure at first but even if you have to schedule that time for yourself do it. As one can not save another if they are drowning in the sea of the lost souls themselves.
Knowledge Time
Each of us needs to realize that knowledge is gained in the sands of time and you will not have all the answers. Many will stop studying at some point for they feel they have reached a limit of all-knowing. But for me personally, I feel we cannot limit ourselves to our own paths without understanding the ones around us. If you feel as if you have learned all you can in yours at this time. Learn upon another as you will encounter people with different practices and sometimes you will find soul resonation within what you learn. There are many paths I have had that feeling of familiarity. But yet the path I walk is not within the path in which I felt that tug of acknowledgment. These are the times when the soul within is vibrating to reincarnations of the past that lead to rediscovery.
But knowledge isnt just about the spells in which is cast or the alignment of astrological signs and times. It's about learning whom we are and how we react to situations and taking that knowledge and growing from it. As a priest, we will be faced with difficult decisions both private and public that can alter our perceptions. Perceptions change as knowledge is gained and lessons are learned. If one cannot gain knowledge from the experiences they have been presented your roots will be bare. For each experience creates a new root in our lives that connects us to the core of whom we are. Some bonds will be given new life based on the new roots formed. Giving way to old familiar connections once cut in one form or another and leave the priest to ponder upon. In my journey knowledge is a spider web of connection and the more we learn and adapt the more our impact can become. Many times our connection to knowledge and growth is blocked by ego and pain. For many people will see you as a connection between this world and the world of the divine. Acting as a gateway to knowledge and progression. If you deny you own growth how can one have the ability to impact another in a positive way.
Community Time
The time a priest dedicated to the community is more than just the vast pagan/spiritual community in which we walk. Priesthood is alive and thriving in each part of our life and the time we dedicate to others is more than half of our work. You will find more often than not in your life you will have more non-pagans come to you. Because you are once again a connection between the world we live in and the mysticism of understanding. This doesnt mean the pagan community will not flock or call upon you. What it means is we all are searching for answers and we tend to flock to those whom seem the most knowledgable. Its like when your car breaks down and you are finding a mechanic to fix it. You may try three different ones each having their own set of skills. The same applies to the concept of spirituality and struggle, as one does not have to be part of the fold to know its value. Awhile back I myself went to a church in the first time in twenty-plus years. Because a friend of mine needed a friend and strength to help them down their path. The experience was interesting to see how the rituals of their faith have small correlations with my own spiritual experience. To see with the eyes of an adult instead of a child. There were a few moments that I felt the goddess needed me to hear in order to help my journey.
I remember when both my grandmother and mom was close to death's door the topics and questions in which we spoke gave me a closer bond. Because in those moments I wasnt a daughter or a grandchild, I was a priest. I was their to share my knowledge and to provide comfort in those moments. At the time it was hard to see it due to the bonds in which I had and my inner child seeing them in such a way. But after years have passed on and I gained more into my practice. I know it was the part of my journey I needed to embark upon as our path is more than what we do. Its about not just honoring the cycles of nature, but the cycles of life we all face. I know one day when my time will come I will reach from introspect from those that care for me, thus completing that cycle. As a priest one must set limitations for ones self , but to remember to never miss the call placed upon your path. For second chances are rarely given when it comes to life. This is where the priest must decide for themselves what is right for them and the time they commit to their community.
The Devine Witch
Debbie Lewis
