When it comes to The Devine Witch we have had many changes leading to becoming the best version of ourselves possible. During the first year of conception to launch of our group I was personally going on an idea. Never could I imagine the idea of having a place where pagans could come together in just a casual setting, did I imagine we would be here. So as one would start the process of a journey you face it becomes a learning curve. In not only of how to run a group, but for one's own personal spirituality as well. I've never claimed to have all the answers to the issues we faced during our journey. But I did say to myself to be open-minded enough to grow and listen to those around me. Yet by doing so in some sense I feel like I lost part of myself trying to adhere to the opinions of others. It's one thing to be open to change and learning yet another when it comes to the complete annihilation of one's goals and original concepts.
During this long six-year process I have found more self-doubt in my journey than I ever did before becoming a big part of the pagan community. At times it has felt as if I was drowning in expectations of what I should be doing rather than what I was doing.
This feeling was further perpetuated by community drama, hearsay, and just pure judgment that I knew was afloat. It's common to have these issues within any community as people we are tribal and can only adhere to the ideology with which we are aligned. Many relationships within this community were formed before I came into the public spear. Therefore I can never compete with the alliance that time brings. As an outcast among outcasts its no new concept for me as I know my personality is strong. I don't back down when I see things nor do I adhere to the concepts of one-way methodology. When it comes to my personal life I held a standard of if I am honest then so are those around me. But as time shows honesty doesn't always come nor is it something that is done by all. As a spiritual being in a world every changing my main spiritual goals for myself are to grow. Which for me has been to navigate the personalities that I have met and try to find common ground. To address my own trauma and issues that I may have imparted upon others. While acknowledging that my experiences and feelings are valid and I should not have to hold onto feelings of self-worth. Because of the actions of those I have faced diversity with due to a misunderstanding of personal philosophy presented at that time.
During my time as leading The Devine Witch I have lost many friends in various ways and some using my story as a way to undermine my journey. I have had people whom I've invited within my home who have lied to me or would scrutinize my marriage because of the day I got married on. I have had people talk about how I know nothing just because I refused to give them the loaded gun of knowledge without doing the work. I've also had people come to events and be judgemental to me and those in attendance. Because there a version of paganism didn't match the propaganda produced by the media. I have encountered people who use spirituality as a way to disband from people that they screw over. Saying that the energy or vibration was off when in reality the string of drama all pointed to them. I write this because I am finally back in my own skin and feel the power of my own energy within this world. As I know some who read this have experienced the same things and feelings. We as a community perpetuate supporting each other and in the same breath break each other down. I refuse to keep up with this kind of rhetoric because it doesn't align with me or my spiritual path. I'd rather shake up a whole community than lie to myself or to others.
When it comes to the blackhole of it all, its so easy to get sucked into the, he said she said bullshit that comes with it. I know I personally have had my share of part in things that I wish I could change. But I cant change the past nor can I hold onto old versions of what was instead of what is. For one to free themselves of things one must lay them to rest and that is what this blog is laying things to rest. This year we are focusing on the betterment of The Devine Witch and what we want to see as change. To start change one must start with themself in order for change to happen. At this moment and time, I am taking back my power of self and the energy I give. My time is going to be solely focused on being the representation I would want to see within our community. By doing this we are taking the steps to make changes within our group and are currently working on a handbook to further the knowledge we have. Along with policies and procedures that will better us for the community. In 2024 we will be posting about different positions available within our group. Elections will be held and announcements will be made that reflect any changes in structure. We will be pushing forward our seven principles this year and at WITW2023 we will be talking about our goals and mission. The Devine Witch will not be just a reflection of us but a reflection of our community. We have used our group to accept all paths and acknowledge the diversity and issues that impact our community. We will highlight the spiritual path of diversity and give the community a chance to be heard. We have started doing so over the years, but the next two will be to amp that up. We will have more discussions on ministry within our faiths. Pastoral care techniques across different faiths and individual practices. Help others who need more hands at events and spread the word of new upcoming groups whose mission aligns with ours. As we start these changes we are pushing back our 501c3 until 2025. In 2025 we will be a fully credited 501c3 and will start the process of reaching our goal of non-denominational pagan spaces. That allows access to all parts of the community to use for worship and events. If you are interested in joining us during this process as always we accept all whos willing. But remember a group/ organization takes alot of work and time and if you don't have the time to commit. Then help us from afar but spreading our missions in your communities. As we go forth into our goals and our mission we will continue to uplift our community who uplifts us as well. We will do our best to continue to grow and be a safe space for all pagans. Any disputes among me and my members are no longer a concern for us going forward. As we are putting the past to rest and working towards planting our seeds of intention thru action and hard work. To those who wish to help as always you can reach us via email or Facebook.
The Devine Witch
Debbie Lewis
