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The Ego and the Id(iot): Facing the Future Together.

Writer's picture: The Devine WitchThe Devine Witch

Freud held that once the ego is formed, it represses the wishes of the `id’, and from then onwards, as human activity is neither self-conscious nor spontaneous. In our society, it seems more though that the Ego has taken control of the Id(iot). *So to speak* And that Id(iot) isn’t being repressed any longer. The ego takes the form of hate speech, through miscommunication, and eventually a collapse in any social structure there may have been.

For social harmony to exist, the people of a particular society must feel a sense of belonging. It is only when those people feel a sense of belonging do they learn to accept others around them as well. To be accepted by others leads to acceptance of others. To do this, the ego must be kept in check.

If only life was so simple and people so willing…and if only closed minds came with closed mouths (sometimes. As communication is key afterall).

We have all seen it. Some of us create it. The divide between ourselves and others. Some of us cannot accept others' right to free speech, freedom of religion, and so fort because of our own egos. For others, they are reaching for acceptance of their sexual/gender identity or their personal religious beliefs and their ego refuses to accept help because that’s how we are being programmed. Handicaps are taken as weaknesses. Both mental and physical. Anything not of the norm is not accepted. Even in a culture where nothing is of the norm.

Lately, in the pagan community, there seems to have been a segregation of the people. If you do not align with one’s thoughts, you may no longer matter in their world. It’s one way only, no room for compromise. Now the question remains: Why can’t we all just get along? Don’t like my deity that I worship? Turn the blind eye my friend. Why does my gender identity bother you? Have you asked yourself why, and how we can overcome it? Does my depression make me less of a human? Or my handicaps make me less lovable? Is it me? Or should one look inward to see if it’s their own Ego causing the Id(iot).

And I use the Id(iot) term loosely. If you choose to not educate or communicate, that’s your choice.

I don’t have the answers on how to help everyone coexist in this society where we face racial injustice, political divides, religious differences, and topics of similar sensitivity. I can just hope that people realize that there is so much you can learn from others' differences. Take their opinions into consideration. And accept those around you for who they are, not what society perceives them to be. The LGBTQ family of pagans I have met face a great deal of hatred in the pagan community despite efforts to bring all together. Then you have the left-hand path versus Wicca versus spirituality versus Heathenry…Poor versus rich. Black versus white…So many verses, and too many Egos. Not enough compassion. Where do we check the ego in these cases?

At. The. Door.

You don’t have to agree with everyone’s path or decisions in life. What would be nice though is if we all learned that we are individuals who are all valid. Do not allow the ego to take control. Learn to communicate with one another in a mature and kind manner. It’s really not that hard once you put your ego in check.

See, the Ego and the Id(iot) rarely part ways in today’s society. It’s up to us to change that.

The Devine Witch

This has been a GypsyMay PSA.

Communicate. Educate. And love one another.


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