In this day and age we live in love & light are thrown around like a the 10 commandments of christian ideology. Morals begin to be put into question when the religious doctrine of love and light are brought into question. Love and light is not a new ideal and is older than the wiccan practice itself. But since wicca came into play it has pushed the ideology that all must follow this love and light ideology. When in fact not all witches are wiccan just like not all wiccans are witches. When it comes to magickal matters of the left handed path that most refer to as "dark magick". It tends to be treated like a unthinkable disease and is treated as such. Wicca is what some would refer to as the Neo-Pagan movement due to its short history. It was started amongst those secretly in england during the first part of the twentieth century . But was only brought to light in 1954 only three years after the repeal of the witchcraft laws.The wiccan rede itself was actually a poem that has been shortened down to one phrase that we often hear "Harm None , Do what ye will. The poem was a helping guideline of bylaws for the wiccan faith.
Witchcraft itself is a broad spectrum term with origins dating around 890 which was first mentioned in the Laws of Ælfred. As you can tell the origins between the two fractions differ tremendously. But as with everything we have a evolution of religious progress where new ideas are formed from origin bases. This is why so many religions have divided fractions within itselfs and ours is not secluded from that.But there seems to be this trend forming more and more as time goes on .Where magickal practices such as hex,curses,necromancy and many more are deemed unfavorable. Many will argue that the karmic debt of these workings and the infringement of free will. That one who practices love and light and growth should not condone such workings. When in reality whatever magick we do good or bad depending on your definition of such , all comes at a price. The bases of us working with our deities/spirits/ancestors or the occasional daemon is to bend reality to fit out needs. Is this my way of saying all should do what they want without thinking of repercussions .,Absolutely not! Just like anything else on this earth if it exist there is a need and reason that it does exist.
Just like nature itself the forces of it can be both beautiful and destructive and we are no different. As the saying goes "what is good for the spider is chaos for the fly ". When it comes to this universe the balance between good and evil will always be prevalent. But it is up to the individual to determine what is right for them and their path. Instead of saying what one should do and shouldn't do , we should focus on the right teaching. We may not agree with certain magickal practices , but we can't deny their existence. As witches we are more connected to the world around us than most. We know we are part of some cosmic design and we continue our search for enlightenment. You can still acknowledge something and not be part of it. This is a practice that is much lost within out society today in the communities we have formed. Instead of battling what one should or shouldn't do we should focus our intention more on more pressing matters. We already have people in this world who clump and divide us just solely based off of our belief. Why should we do the same in return to those within our community. History is our greatest teacher and if it has taught us anything we are stronger united than we are divided.