Many of us remember the telephone game as a child and how misconstrued things can become. It starts with one person and before you know it many people down the line the information gets changed. As we grew up to the adults we are we realized this was how gossip happens. Gossip is the killer of many communities and ours is no different and we all have fallen victim to it. Pagan communities tend to be tight knit communities and eventually everyone knows everyone. If we've not seen them in person we've heard their name in passing at some point. But how does this go hand in hand with the telephone game as i prefer to call it . When we have tight knit communities such as ours we have people who like each other and don't . Than we have those who seem friendly but like to spread everyone's troubles like a phone operator.
Now realistically we can't stop the spread of information no matter how true or false it may be from this . But what are some steps that we can work towards as a community to stop such a negative cycle. Realistically it does us no good within our daily / spiritual lives . So why is it so hard to stop? We could blame our ancestors because its within our genetic makeup to talk amongst our tribes . Hence why we can find it so easy to pick a side due to the emotion and logical sense of who we feel is right. Now i can only speak for myself and who knows maybe the resolution bug has taken over. But If each of us would just stop people when they start to tell us something that has nothing to do we us. Not to be mean but to stop the chain of spreading information that we don't know if its true or not .Even if it is who are we to spread information on another person as long as it's nothing criminal .
I know it seems simple and over the last year i myself fell victim to this type of negative cycle. But eventually you set back and think how does this do anything for me and my path and what type of energies does this bring. We are all big on energy and how it can impact us within our magick . But the same thing goes for us within our daily lives as well , its easy to sage and clear that away. Eventually though over time your house is gonna look like a Alice Cooper concert from all that smoke. This goes hand in hand with the topic of discussion i've covered over the last few blogs. If we don't work on the way we communicate with one another we will never be taken serious. How can we as individuals say one thing than act the total opposite. Its one tihing to protect people from others who could cause potential harm to someone in the community. But its another just to spread useless information about people and groups. How many times have we heard well this group does this and that group does this. When all your doing is going by one person's account instead of forming a idea based upon experience. So before we continue vicious cycles that lead nowhere just ask yourself if this is the energy you want around you.