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Spirit Animal Reminder

Writer: The Devine WitchThe Devine Witch

When it comes to spirit animals many of us wonder what ours is and the meaning behind it. Many will ask how does one truly know what animal is their spirit animal and can you have more than one. All my life I've had a few that I've identified with for personal reasons in one form or another. But one that has always been my favorite and speaks to me on a mental level has always been the squirrel. Many may not understand why such a creature calls to me, but those who deal with ADHD like myself understand. It's the ability to have so much going on and yet be able to juggle it all. To remember the fine points and places, while still keeping a sense of playfulness. The squirrel symbolizes many things for many different people who identify with it and the spiritual meaning behind it. The squirrel for me is resourceful and yet all and nothing at the same time. It's aware of its surroundings and at the same time aloof to them as well, which is how it feels sometimes for me. To be aware of every movement and yet allow me the freedom to not be held down by it.

Today as I visited my inlaws and decided to take a walk around their property, I got reminded of my spirit animal. As I walked out the door and took the first hit of my cigarette breathing in the smoke and cool fall air. I turned to my right to see my fury little friend starring at me as I slowly reached for my phone. When my daughter came out he scurried to his tree and I got a few decent shots. But it was at that moment I was aware of myself and I have seen it as a reminder of who I am. It's only a coincidence that I had just written about struggles of staying focused while reading and different tips I find helpful. It's not uncommon to step outside and see a squirrel which I am aware of. But it is when it's a moment where you feel a call to go wandering. But yet you don't know why it is you feel this pull and then as soon as your feet cross the threshold you see your spirit animal. This is why to me it was a symbol from my spirits and the universe that soon things will smooth. It was a sign to be aware of and a reminder to enjoy the joy in life. When things get hard find your spot of comfort and contemplate when you need to and enjoy the process.

So many times this year I have felt overwhelmed and as if I've lost my joy and wonder to this world. But as the squirrel, I always found my way to my comfort for contemplation and rejuvenation of myself. For the witch, it's moments like these that remind us we are not alone and that sometimes the simplest of things bring clarity. We acknowledge both science and mystery and use them to better our lives. Whenever I find myself in nature during the year I pay attention to the things around me. The direction the wind is blowing, the way the clouds form a certain way. The animals and smells I receive can be explained while others have yet to be discovered. I've had countless people over the years to take those moments of acknowledgment as worrisome. Until it is they realize it is more than just what meets the eye when I'm out and about. Many of us get lost in day-to-day life and only focus ourselves onto the small view in front of us. Instead of looking at the whole picture, which is brought about by the age of entertainment and distraction. If you find yourself wondering about your place in the world and what is to come, take a look around. The universe provides the answers you seek, all you have to do is be awake enough to see them.

The Devine Witch

Debbie Lewis


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