Life Cycle
This came to me on the night of Imbolc 2021

Last night one of the gods imparted this upon me and I'm gonna explain what exactly this means and hopefully it will add some understanding. But before I can explain it I must impart on what exactly I saw and was told. This is the only way that I can fully express what exactly this is and what I see. Last night during my sleep I was suspended upon a square block and beneath this square, the block was what you saw before you. The only difference between the diagram above and what I saw was there was only a one-inch space between each of the circles you see. Which as you can tell would be a hell of a lot more than what I have displayed for you to kinda grasp what it was I saw. On this platform, I was not alone and the man that was with me took the form of something that was comforting. So as to if it was a god/entity, I will never know, but I do know this is something profound and I needed to share. This man explained to me that this was a representation of life. The red was a symbolism of danger in one's path, that when oneself made a poor decision they would face the apple which I represent with a red circle. I asked why the apple was represented by destruction, to which this was the answer. Because sometimes we take the much easier path or one that will be better for oneself.When in reality the decision they made might have made their life easier but made others suffer from it. As I continued to question what each item meant this is what I got and why.
Me: What do the white golf balls represent?
Entity: These are the representation of you are on the right path and which blessing will be bestowed upon the individual.
Me: What does the orange represent?
Entity: The orange represents the struggle one will face and if you notice a golf ball is right behind it.
Me: Why is That?
Entity: Because we all must face challenges to learn and to grow from and some are more painful to learn than others. But after each challenging experience, there is a good outcome waiting to follow. This is what helps people gain perspective and to be able to look at those times and realize the lesson behind them.
Me: What does the black circle represent?
Entity: The end of the lesson or the end of life as you might know it.
Me: This looks like a maze, yet each part is never closed off from another one, “Why is that ?”
Entity: As you can see each decision you or anyone makes leads you down one road or another. With each choice you make there is always an obstacle or opportunity behind it, no path is ever blocked off from anyone. The only thing that blocks one of them is the individual themselves.
With every question, I asked I was instructed to push one of the objects to see what each one does. This is what helped me along with the answers to the questions I had asked. I began to notice how each thing reacted to another and how one choice of a move could change the outcome of the one in front of it. When I woke up this morning it felt like it all clicked in some way as to how our universe works. There have been many representations about life and how it is structured. But I had never seen it represented in such a way that just made sense to me or to even the average person. So many people spend their lives trying to figure out why we face certain things. How do we overcome them and the theory of how our choices make the outcome which we face. Yet here I stood on this platform in this played out the integrated pattern with an explanation that made sense. I’m not saying that this is the answer to life nor am I saying anyone else has to believe what I've seen. But I do feel the need to share it with you all and how it was told to me. Maybe this will help someone else like myself have a better understanding of not only our world. But the magickal practices in which we use to either better our life or to destroy others