As we venture into making 2020 a distant memory in our minds and stepping into 2021 with optimism. One thing I see repeatedly happening is the struggle to let things go and how to move forward . We all struggle with things that we wish we had changed or done different its something we all have in common. But when we venture into the path of witchcraft it shows us we must acknowledge the past to let go of it. The question than remains how can we rid ourselves of something that shaped us into who we are .This is a constant struggle we all face in our lives. Especially when we take a look inside of what is effecting us and why it seems to not be going away. But what is it that we can use from our daily practice to help guide us into letting things go. In this article i will give you a few suggestions that have helped me and countless others who walk the path.
Shadow Work
The art of Shadow Work can be daunting or just down right scary for some . But it is a proven way to dig deep and find the underlying issue you are facing. Shadow work allows oneself to go within and pose the question "Why am i feeling this way"? When doing this type of work its about improving ones self along with learning to grow. The Shadow work process is different for each individual so instead of going on how to do it . I suggest doing some research and finding the best method for you. As we are all different and the process can be anxiety filled for some.
I know you've heard this time and time again , just go meditate and realign yourself . The fact is meditation just like shadow work is easy for some and hard for others. If you are like me trying to calm my mind is like herding cats. So what i do is mental meditation i put on calming music and let my mind wonder. I don't try to control where it goes i just let the thoughts keep drifting until i reach the meditation state. Sure things may get weird and random question's you will ask yourself. But just push passed the urge to go grabbing your phone to find the answers. Once you hit this state of meditation ask yourself as to why is it hard to let go or the thing that is holding you back. It may take some time and a few meditations or mental meditations for my fellow squirrel's like myself out there. But i promise you it will help you gain your power back and allow you to let it go . Meditation gives us the ability to allow us to relax ourselves and find deeper meaning .
Burn work
Now this is my own terminology I'm using and I'm sure somewhere their is a better term for it. But i find sometimes using magickal practices helps me get rid of unwanted habits , thoughts or people. For this you will need to be in a uninterrupted space in your home or where ever you feel comfortable. Grab some paper and a writing device of your choice. Write down everything that you are feeling , for some this could take days. Than i want you for the next few days to read what you have written. After you have read it than i want you to repeat these words, make sure to put power behind these words.
You no longer control my body
You no longer control my mind
You no longer control my thoughts
You no longer control my life
Once you have done this set that piece of paper on fire imagine it leaving you.
These are just a few simple ways i choose to release what does not do me any good . Just remember you control your life and your thoughts. Dont give anything or anyone a free room within your mind. I believe you have the power within to over come anything that is placed on your path . Just remember no matter what crossroads you find yourself in life you always have a community to help guide you home.