LAVENDER ~ Lavandula angustifolia (officinalis)
Lavender is one of those herbs that just about everyone has heard of. With its beautiful scent and lovely purple flowers, it is no wonder that people found this plant to be so beneficial on so many levels! Below is a brief description of Lavender. A plant that denotes calmness and serenity.
This perennial shrub grows to about 3 feet with spiky violet to violet/blue flowers. It is native to the Mediterranean, southern Europe, and east African lands. The flowers are used for their beneficial oils. But some Mediterranean cultures use the leaves as well. There are 4 main categories however we will be looking at the most common: L. angustifolia.
Studies have shown that the oil extracted from the flowers can be applied topically and is rapidly absorbed through the skin. In medieval times this herb has been used for mental disorders such as depression as well as therapeutically for pain. We still use this amazing herb today for many conditions and disorders. Such as headaches and migraines. By applying the oil to the temple’s studies have shown that oil is quickly absorbed, easing the pain with little to no side effects.
Lavender can be for its calming effects as well. Adding additional herbs, such as Valerian root, to make a decoction can promote a sedative effect. Its use for depression has been noted all the way back to the Middle Ages. Pilgrims who landed on what is now America brought it will them knowing just how powerful this plant was. Due to Lavenders relaxing effect, it can be helpful to those with Asthma when the condition is accompanied with nervousness.
Lavender is highly antiseptic and helps to heal burns, wounds, and sores as well as inflammation caused by stings. Bathing with this essential oil can also help ease aching joins and relieves muscle tension. Lavender tea can be used to eat stomach upset, relieve gas/bloating and colic.
Lavender is seen as a loving agent as well as a prosperous one. Which makes sense as it is used medicinally to help heal physical pains as well as mental conditions. Adding Lavender flowers to your spiritual practice and spell work can help to remove mental clutter as well as bring about clarity while performing divination work. Incense of Lavender can also aid in meditation by calming the mind and letting one be more open to messages from spirit or allow your intuition to shine through.
Growing Lavender
Lavender needs good drainage and sunlight. It is possible to grow this beautiful plant indoors as well as outdoors. Lavender angustifolia is a perineal, meaning it can come back year after year with proper care. If you are growing Lavender in a pot outdoors, bring it inside before the first frost and keep it in a dry place away from heat vents. As stated above this plant originates from the Mediterranean so only water when the soil is completely dry. Make sure to water the Lavender deeply. Water that sits on the top of the soil wont get down to the roots that need it. If you find a lot of water sitting in the saucer, be sure to discard it.
Lavender or Lavandula angustifolia is a beautiful plant that I have used both medicinally and spiritually. It is an easy plant to grow for beginners. As always, consult a medical physician if you have concerns. I am not a medical practitioner, nor do I claim to be. This information is for learning purposes only and is not meant to treat or diagnose. It is simply sharing information that I find valuable.
The Devine Witch
Author: Shannon Irwin
