When we hear the word labyrinth a lot of things come to mind unfortunately it wont be the goblin king we discuss today. Labyrinth comes from the word labyrinthos and has a long history of magickal connection and tends to get forgotten. Labyrinths are designed to help us get into a altered state of mind and help us connect to our higher selves. Many have confused labyrinths and mazes for ages but labyrinths differ due to the structure. A labyrinth has many twist and turns just as a maze does , the difference being its one road leading you towards the center. Yes it has many twist and turns but no dead ends like a maze has.
The maze came about during
The first labyrinth was made by Daedalus For king Minos of Crete to hold the half man half bull known as the Minotaur. King Minos would tax Athens every year, by having them send seven Young men and maidens to Crete every year. They would than be released into the labyrinth and eaten by the Minotaur. This is part of the reason why labyrinths are said to cause a rebirthing processes. Your perception changes from when you entered to when you finished.
Many have talked about Chakra Walks using labyrinth , Due to like the chakras there are seven circles. At the beginning you would focus on your crown and as you keep going more and more you focus on the different chakras. It is said it helps clean and power up the chakras within ones body. But what if you don't live near a labyrinth what can you do to get the same effect. Some techniques people have used tape to a floor creating and creating their own. You can also use just paper and pin and after its drawn you can clean your mind and trace with your finger. Some can even be made on a day to the beach or a dirt patch, No matter where you live or go you can find ways to utilize this tool.
But we can do so much more than just with chakras or with ourselves . You can use it for healing work , mind control, enlightenment spells and even shadow work. The sky is the limit when it comes to what type of magickal working one can do . If you want a few labyrinth spells that you can do , Join us on patreon.com/thedevinewitch. I always give updates on behind the scenes and spells and different magickal working techniques. You can get this for as little as one dollar a month.