I have spent a lot of my time over the past few years connecting with people, places and things through the magic of synchronicities. You know, those moments that seem too perfect to be true, those moments that some dismiss as coincidence. Those moments that have the potential to elevate our souls to magic, or drive us to madness.
When I first learned what synchronicity was from a Google search in 2018, I struggled to make sense of it. I couldn’t deny the patterns, signs, and endless coincidences that continued to appear over and over again in my life. Looking back, I allowed it to drive my soul toward madness rather than magic. Balance and understanding were key for me during this part of my spiritual awakening. Today, both in the online community and in my everyday life I have the honor of helping others understand the power of synchronicities in our lives.
I believe one of the first steps in tilting the scales from madness to magic is accepting that synchronicities have always been there to guide you. The mind, the ego, was preventing you from seeing it before. These signs from the Universe, are your spirit guides, showing you that there is more to this world. Giving you a glimpse of their loving support through the veil. They are using angel numbers, making that seemingly perfect song come on just at the right time, speaking to you beyond what human words can describe.
They are also reminding you how powerful you are, how far you have come. You are now able to see magic that some others may not see yet. You are realizing how big this Universe is, and even though we are all just a dot, we are being divinely guided. Essentially, you are on the right path, exactly where you need to be.
The next step on walking the magical path of synchronicities is learning to discern the signs when it feels like everything means something. I think it is important to point out that the synchronicities you see may be so meaningful and powerful to you, but only to you. Trying to explain them to others can be a quick trip down the madness path, however having a few close friends that can hold space for you can be the water our spiritual garden needs. For example, the other night I watched a movie that was full of synchronicities in my life. Trying to explain that for the purposes of this blog to help others would be madness. Luckily for me, I was able to process it with people that could understand and help me discern what in the world the Universe was trying to show me. Ultimately though, it is up to us to use our own discernment. Learning to trust our own intuition is also a part of seeing the synchronicities.
Next time you see that magical number or hear that song that sends the " truth bumps" up your arms, I hope you can stay grounded in that power.
I look down to see I ended this at 1:11 pm……
The Devine Witch
Megan Dixon