It seems no matter where we turn especially here in America recently that politics are continuously creeping into pagan group forums. Which is expected especially during this political climate . But what effects does it have on our communities when we start introducing more political factors? Many who find pagan group forums go there for information and bonding with fellow pagans locally or world wide. Which is expected , especially for those of us in a non pagan friendly grid lock. These groups are designed to be a escape and spiritual learning experience no matter your level of experience. There is many dividing factors within our communities that we face and are aware of. But when we start adding political fueled topics it tends to help widen that divide. Is it that pagans are afraid to voice their opinions on political matters? Absolutely not , pagans are no different than anyone else who follows a religious path. We each have our own political and moral beliefs that are part of what makes us who we are.
Just because we are pagan doesn't mean that we all believe the same things politically ,Which is what makes us different in the aspect of community . A religion can dictate political views, But it doesn't mean that what one might thing pagan views may be when it comes to the political aspect. Some may believe in a woman's right to choose while others believe in every life deserves to live. So why is it that we think all pagans think exactly the same on issues no matter if its moral, ethical or political. I want to blame media , but realistically its the ideology that has been pushed with the paths. Its the tribe mentality if I believe this than others in this path do as well. Which i know personally how hard this is to get passed and is something I've been working on. Our paths may bring us together but it doesn't mean that we agree on everything.
So than the question remains what is the line between political and moral views and how do lines get blurred. Well when it comes to me personally and the group that i run on our Devine Witch Facebook group. I go with what seems like things we can all agree on when it comes to these matters. As a example when the riots where happening after George Floyds death back in 2020. I personally didn't agree with the rioting , but i also didn't agree with the things our society has become blinded to . Even though we in the pagan community had opposing view on the issue. One common thing i think most can agree on is no one deserves to be killed in the manor that Mr. Floyd was. This was a issue that many of us in the pagan community never addressed as one. Many of our fellow pagan brothers and sisters have helped stand in the fight of racial inequality. When we did these peaceful protest it was us once again standing with our brothers and sisters of color. Because no matter what you think not all pagans are white woman and men chanting in the woods. Basically what im getting to here is that some times being ethical political is alright. But when we start dividing on who one votes for and so on , The lines get blurred.
When we start introducing these things that we think are ok as far as within our pagan communities. We tend to forget about the ones who have opposing views , which at points in time its hard. Its not easy to understand why some people think the way they do especially when it comes to our communities as a whole. But this is one of the best things about our community is we can have open discussion. I'm not here to change anyone's mind , just another individual expressing their view . But its not only about the difference in views either , many use this as a escape. Many within ours and other religions deal with extreme anxiety or depression. Which its hard for them to find their happy place when its turned into a politically charged agenda. Mental health is a issue that i constantly think of when it comes to our community. Because so many times people are afraid to speak up because of the anxiety of being judged in the community. I've meet many people on my journey who've taken a chance and came to our events . Whom have shared stories of anxieties and fears they face from our community. I know sometimes its hard to see the other side of the coin in situations like this. But personally i think that's what the path to enlightenment and spirituality come together. Just remember my fellow pagan brothers and sisters i know times are tough and stressful. I've seen the effects within my community that this time has taken on us all and we will make it through. As pagans we have faced many diversities and yet we are still here and are still going strong.
Blessed be my brothers and sisters.
Samora Knight