As we get close to the end of the year we start taking more personal inventory than ever before. What good did the year bring and what trials did we face during the year and how did it make us grow. One of most untalked things about is the friendships is when we cut ties with during the year. For the path we follow we know that certain times we get people in our life for a small moment or a lifetime. Just depends if there is a lesson to be learned that can only be obtained through a encounter. One of the hardest things for anyone is being at the friendship crossroads. Its a point to where we start feeling the relationship we have formed no longer fits the path we have. But does that mean that they were bad for us and had no value. No, this means that you each needed to learn something that only the other could provide. Unfortunately all journeys don't end in a happy ending and can lead to hate and possible witch wars.
Its a awkward predicament for all involved especially if your circles or communities connect in some way. Making other friends feel the strain of whos side should i choose or just to stay neutral. Even for some makes them question not going out due to a certain past issue.
Some of us don't know what to do in these situations and can lead to someone just shutting people out without explanation. Which then leads to a bunch of what ifs and feeling blindsided from it, only to hear the passing story from another's lips. But how do we work past this to where it's not that awkwardness when our paths collide again? Before i go on i must say this article is not gonna be a cure all be all. Each situation is different and it has to be a decision of the individual and whats right for them.
We have heard it said time and time again that communication is key and same applies once again. When you start getting to this point before anything comes to pass ask yourself what the issue is . If you have to go as far as seeking guidance from your deities, guides , ancestors . Write down what it is that is bringing forth the emotion you feel if need be and than reach out.Reaching out can be the hardest thing anyone does , will it be easy of course not . But anything worth having is worth at least giving forth the effort to try and at least work towards a solution. Not everyone you meet will be able to read you emotions or even how you feel. This isnt them being out of the way to you , they just may not be great with social ques. I advise any type of reaching out be done in person because we know how things can sound just by reading something. Once you have taken this step bring forth the issues that have troubled you . This shows to them that you care enough to be direct and face them face to face.
Now if you feel nervous have someone with you as a line of support that can just be there for you. So the hard part is over and in most situations a agreement will come about with each party and boundaries set. But what happens if they keep doing the same thing over and over with no regard to talks of the past. This is the time you let them know your journey is going a different way and you have to break ties. At this point both parties most likely feel the same way especially if your feelings were not respected. Will this make things awkward for a bit , yes it will . But in the end you know that you gave a chance and invested energy into it without feeling horrible afterwards. As in magick as in friendships it's all about trust and manifesting with the energies around us. Imagine doing a spell halfway thru and just seeing how it goes. This goes the same way with relationships we keep and this can be applied to any relationships not just friendships. So as we go into not only a new year but into a new decade keep this in mind as a goal for yourself. Keep the things around you that bring growth into your life and give the things that done a proper ending. Nothing is worse than feeling like something more could be done and regretting it later .
Celestial Moon