When we look at Hekate and her origins we find out she is much older than the Greek pantheon that she's mostly associated with . Its believed she is actually a Mesopotamian goddess name Ereshkigal . She is one of the seven gods associated in the Mesopotamian pantheon and this would explain some of the darker aspects of hekate and her association with the underworld. It also gives reason as to why owls and lions are associated with hekate. Because they come from her previous form in the Mesopotamian religion where she was the ruler of the underworld. This could very well explain how her correlation with being the guardian at the gates of hades began. Where she is said to help guide the souls into hades where they will be judged by Aeacus, Minos, and Rhadamanthys. . This would also explain the sacred words that need to be spoken to hekate at the gate of hades. Which can be found in the ancient text of the Orphic Funeral Tablets where the word Brimo has to be spoken . But how does this correlate to hekate and her 7 keys instead of the 9 keys we have associated with her since the book Keeping Her Keys came out. That's where Mesopotamian lore comes into play and when we look at the story it all makes sense. Where the decent of Ianna comes into play. If we look at the story of Inanna and Ereshkigal {Hekate} we can see the correlation in which hekate can unlock within ones self journey with hekate. These are not only about the lessons she teaches , but the path we walk in our lives from birth to death.
1st Gate - Authority - In order for us to achieve anything within our magickal practice we must leave any part of the ego behind. This is where we look past our own b.s. and allow ourselves to be guided by Hekate.
2nd Gate- Perception- This is where we learn there are many differences in ones perception and that we must be open to the wisdom she can impart. But to do this we must change our way of thinking of only our perception.
3rd Gate-Communication- When it comes to communication we learn what we think and what we say is important. But this doesn't only apply to our magickly lives but to our very existence . This is where we learn how to communicate properly with our deities and with our fellow man.
4th Gate- Compassion- Compassion can take many forms and to know that even against our enemies sometimes compassion is key. This allows us to not harbor the hate we have within be blinded by the ability to forgive.
5th Gate- Personal Power- This is where we realize the power we each have within in us and the capability one has over ones life.
6th Gate-Creativity- This gives us the ability to shape and mold not only ourselves but the world around us. While allowing ourselves to expand to view the world in a whole new light that may of been clouded by the judgement of our past.
7th Gate- Manifestation- Manifesting things within ones life thru work and energy put forth to bring upon what it is we truly desire.
But i shall go further into why i see 7 as the representation instead of what we have become accustomed to . If we look at the number 7 we can see the symbolism of it throughout religious history and within our own magical path. 7 Chakras which corollate to the parts of our body which hold different vibrations. If you look at the meaning of 7 in a spiritual context it represents magick, knowledge . Its even said the it is the spiritual some of 3 and the material sum of 4. Which one could interpret as the number to manifest magick into reality. If you dig hard enough you will find how powerful 7 is magically and how it corresponds in many paths. These above are my own personal interpretation of the 7 bolted gates or 7 Keys of hekate and i know some may not agree. Which makes it great as witches we design our own paths to what feels right . I've spent many hours and years going into my findings and still learning and expanding my view or thought and theory. Which has helped me in my life unlock the hidden mysteries in which Hekate possesses. In the end we each hear her call in different ways into our life. But one thing will always remain the same for all followers of hekate. She is the light that guides us in our darkest of times and bring clarity to us when all seems bleak.