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Drumming In Pagan Cultures

Writer: The Devine WitchThe Devine Witch

Most recently I stumbled across a Tiktok from a gentleman who showed his disdain for the drum circle at a local pagan pride event. Even though other issues this individual had were presented with some good reasoning. The mention of their expectations of drum circles in a pagan context was perplexing. As I myself started to dive into my journey last year with the need to learn about the spiritual music side of my spirituality. I discovered some wonderful information on the subject. So when I found this individual video addressing what they had in mind vrs what they got. It really showed me a few things one of them being that we don't talk enough about the musical instrument aspects of magickal practice and two the closed-mindedness our communities have. In a world already divided, we tend to divide ourselves more by our paths and practices. But when we allow ignorance to be the driving force behind knowledge we have failed our communities. I have always been a firm believer in personal practice and the no two witches witch alike motto. To which I still hold true to that standpoint, But when we make statements without any prior knowledge we lose room for growth. Today I want to shine a light as much as I can with the resources of knowledge I have. Some will be historical and some will be personal preference and I will do my best to make it clear in this article.

Drumming Is Universal

When it comes to drum circles or the practice of where drums are used in a spiritual context its gotta be known. Almost all practices have had some type of drumming in their spiritual practices and isnt just designated to one area of the world or practice. Down below I will provide a few examples of what I mean and there will be a reference guide for further research.

  • Greek - Tympanon Drum- When it comes to the use of this drum it was very much a part of the practice in many greek and roman areas. In accordance to my findings, it was used in worship to Rhea, Demeter, Artemis, Cybele, and also with Dionysos as well. But In my personal practice, I have found it to be useful while working with Hades. As we know it is tradition to beat of stomp on the ground while calling forth to the god of the Underworld. To me, the drum gives the opportunity of a trance-like state when calling upon Hades to join in the ritual.

  • Egyptian- When it comes to Egyptian ways of practice drumming could be used in countless ways. But one of the most known is during the Zar exorcism of removing Jinn and more information can be found below on it.

  • Norse- The Sami Drum is just one example of nordic style drums but the information on them is more vast.

  • Celtic- The Bodhrán Drum- Used for ritualistic and holy day uses.

  • China- The drum used in this area were used for all occasions both mundane and ritualistic purposes.

  • (Mayan)- Kayum was an instrument that was known to be present due to findings. But little information is known about the context. I'd assume it would of been used like many other cultures. In times of celebration and war and sacrifice to the gods that they worshiped during that time.

  • Africa- Djembe- When it comes to drumming for ceremonial or ritualistic uses this is the first image that comes to many people's minds. Depending on the region and path one follows leads to name changes and uses.

  • Native American Culture- The use of drums is vast and depends on the tribe and the personal practice of that tribe.

These are just a few mentions that I have found on my journey and I made sure to list my references below. This just goes to show when it comes to music and drumming practices what one has in mind can vary. Many cultures and religious practices have had musical influences within them. Some may be more spoken about due to the history that has been survived by those who have passed it down. While others have been lost to time due to the obliteration of the practice or people of that path. When it comes to different paths and practices we must remember knowledge is out there. It can evolve with more findings and the ability to communicate with one another. But we should never let our own limited knowledge stop us or prohibit someone for a practice. We should remember to stop looking to divide our community and instead embrace the similarities and differences. If history has taught us anything it is that nothing is ever truly original. Many ideas get lost with time, but it is the one-sided mentality that makes us think only one kind of person can get the same message. If you believe in the universal rule of energy and we are all connected to that energy. How can we not have the same ideas and thoughts when it comes to practices? The stories and the names behind them may be different, yet the heart of it all remains the same. So instead of trying to divide those within our communities let's unite them and see what wonderful music they make when working as one.

The Devine Witch

*Debbie Lewis*



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