Yesterday we skipped a day in our series of magickal basics from my personal practice.Now keep in mind the things I talk about are from my own personal experiences and practice. The reason we skipped yesterday is because todays topic is going to be about Invocation and Evocation. It doesnt matter what type of practice you are doing if you plan on working with any spirit/entity you will want to know the differences between these two. The reason this is important for you to learn is it is the difference between possession and not being possessed. Many practitioners when starting out dont learn this before casting a ritual and it can lead to some complications for that practicioner. Imagine it like this if you would, You have the same person before you. Now in one instance this partner is your sexual counterpart you are inviting them to come into you. Now imagine in another instance this is a friend who you invited over who is around you but not in your space in a intimate way. This is just one example of how invocation and evocation work. So what is Invocation? Invocation is the act of calling forth a spirit to either be present within your body. What is Evocation? Evocation is the act of calling forth a spirit to appear outside your body and circle.
Normally invocation is only done with spirits you have worked with and or trust because its a personal experience. In essence you are giving another spirit full control over you mind and body to achieve a goal. Now imagine you don't know the spirit you are working with and call it for to enter your body. That spirit you are working with either decided to not leave your body or to bring you harm. The real world implications of this could be detrimental to you and the world you occupy yourself in. Now I know this is gonna bring multiple questions about this and im gonna take the time to answer a few. What if I dont feel possessed? Possession of a spirit is different for everyone. Sometimes its possession over the mind and is subtle, while some take over the whole body and it feels as if your are in the passenger seat of a car. Than their are cases where one doesnt remember a single event of the possession. It depends on what the energy your working with decides to do at that time. This means some invocation will be different with certain spirits and depending on the work one is doing. I personally have had invocations in private and in public. Where it starts out that I hear my voice echo as if im in a huge stadium. Then I will notice that my voice gets a tone in it to where i can feel the power of the energy emanating thru my voice. Around this time I have a whole body sensation that feels like im being rocked back and forth, yet my body remains still in its place. I hear the words coming out of my mouth but the words and the actions that are taking place are not of my own. This is when I get the vision of being in a passenger seat and I get to see everything, yet have control over nothing. Its a experience that if you did’nt have full trust in what you are working with it would be a terrifying experience.
When it comes to Evocation this is the act of summing a spirit/entitiy you are working with outside your circle. Now depending on what magickal path you are working with it is normally customary to summon by evocation in a certain location. The location you choose is either a circle , triangle or square outside of the circle you are in. This gives you the ability to evoke a spirit/entity in a location that it cannot move from. The reason for doing this is either one of two thing, either one you are new to working with said spirit and trust has not formed. The other reason behind this is to protect yourself and your home from having a spirit you are not familiar with walking in your home. It still gives them a space to manifest before you, but it limits them as to where they can go.This technique can be used for calling elemental energies to your circle such commonly referred to as guardians of the directions. Another thing one can do with evocation techniques is creating a spirit or helper. It the same principles as one would do as far as casting a circle of protection for ones self and one for the energy. But instead of bringing something forth that already exist you take the energy from your circle and cast it towards the other one that is outside of it. Using the mind to formulate what energy you wish for this new spirit to have.Which starts to go more into the realm of conjuration and I will go further into this on another day. Down below I have listed some references that go into more indepth ways to help you on your journey. I also included a graph that I personally find helpful and its origins can be found in the reference pages
